Friday 13 March 2015

Go-to Cake and White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting recipe.

Sorry for the radio silence everyone. I've been in a slump, lacking inspiration and motivation in the kitchen for the last few weeks and as a result I let The Weekly Feast slide.

Do you ever find yourself at the end of a project looking at your finished product and being disappointed, even though it is perfectly fine? That is how my slump started. A few weeks ago I decided to try my hand at thrice cooked chips. They are something that are always raved about on cooking shows and I was intrigued. Deep frying is not something I have much, okay any, experience with. We don't even own a deep fryer. But I decided to give it a go the old fashioned way, with a saucepan full of oil. I took the time, researched the technique, I made sure my chips were all very similar size and I even used a timer. All up I think I spent 2 hours on these chips, and I was disappointed. To be perfectly honest they tasted no better than store-bought oven chips, actually they weren't even as crispy as oven chips. They tasted fine but lacked that distinctive crunch. I don't know if it was the oil I used, my technique, my timing or the fact that I was just guessing with the temperature of my deep frying oil. But the end result left me disappointed.

Now while the chips were a small failure, the rest of the meal was quite tasty, but I was already in that funk. I had decided to have pork spare ribs with the chips. I mean what a classic combo, ribs and chips! After searching and procrastinating I landed upon this recipe for slow-cooker southern pork ribs. Looking back now I can appreciate this recipe, however I will admit that at the time the whole meal left me disappointed. I didn't even bother to plate it nicely and photograph it. The problem was that the whole meal did not match up to the picture I had in my head. But now I can see it was not the disaster I imagined it to be. The chips, while not crispy, were tasty and the sauce from the ribs was delicious. 

Since the 'failed' feast I have lost my mojo in the kitchen. I have been keeping things simple and boring. Cooking so I can eat, not because I am enjoying it. I decided to skip last weekend as I was going away and hoped I would come back refreshed and ready to get back in the kitchen. It was just what I needed. I headed down to the Hunter Valley to see the Eagles play at Hope Estate. They are one of my all time favourite bands and I've been hanging for this concert since 2013 when Glenn Fry mentioned the possibility of them returning in the near future. Couple that with the fact that we had seats closer to the stage than I have ever dreamed of being (21 rows from the front!!) and I was pumped! Well let's just say that the concert was...Spectacular! Amazing! Fabulous! Everything I wanted, basically. And it worked. I came home and spent Sunday evening and Monday trawling through my recipe books and picking out new and exciting things. To add to my new inspiration I went out to lunch on Tuesday, just a simple meal at the ex-services club but it was so tasty and presented so beautifully that it made me want to get in the kitchen and work to evolve some of my own recipes to make them something special. So keep an eye out for some of my own recipes hitting the blog in the future! Then I spent today grocery shopping for the next fortnight, when I will be trying out lots of new recipes. I promise to share my stories on time! 

I haven't been in the kitchen yet but as a sorry for going MIA I'm going to share my go-to cake and white chocolate cream cheese frosting recipe with you. What I love about this recipe is that the frosting isn't sickeningly sweet and the cake is so versatile. Add some cocoa for a simple chocolate cake, add your favourite flavoured essence, colour it, shape it. The sky is the limit. As you can see I love rainbow cakes. I simply make a double batch of batter, divide evenly and colour, then bake each cake. So enjoy the recipe and I will be back soon! I would love to see your creations if you try out the recipe.

Go-to Cake and Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe

125g butter, softened
1 teaspoon of vanilla bean paste
3/4 cup (165g) caster sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups (225g) self-raising flour, sifted
1/2 cup (125g) milk

170g white chocolate
455g cream cheese
3/4 cup butter, softened
3 cups icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste

Preheat oven to a moderate temperature. I generally set my oven to 160°, but every oven is slightly different. Grease and line cake pan/s.
Beat butter, sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs, one at a time until combined.
Stir in flour and milk, in batches. Be sure not to over mix in this stage, you want your batter to stay light.
If adding colouring now is the time.
Pour batter into cake pan/s.
Bake until a skewer inserted comes out clean, generally between 25-35 minutes depending on the thickness of you cake.
Allow to cool in pan/s for 5 minutes, then turn out onto cooling rack to cool completely.

Whip cream cheese until soft and smooth.
Add butter and whip until smooth and light in colour. The longer you whip the paler you frosting will be.
Add icing sugar and vanilla. Whip until pale and fluffy. If the mixture stays on your paddle/whisk/spoon when you hold it up you have reached the right consistency. If it is too runny, try placing in the fridge for an hour.
Melt white chocolate. I melt mine in the microwave but you can use a double boiler. If using microwave, place in a safe bowl, microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stirring with a metal or plastic spoon in between.
Allow chocolate to cool.
Once cool beat chocolate into frosting and refrigerate for several hours to firm up.


Once cake has cooled and frosting has set, it is time to assemble your cake. This part is all about your imagination! I love assembling as a layer cake with frosting sandwiched between each layer. This recipe makes A LOT of frosting but it's my favourite so I would rather have too much, than not enough.

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