Tuesday 10 February 2015

Upside Down Mango and Coconut Cake

Sorry for the late post this week folks. While I aim to cook my feast on a Friday or Saturday night so that I can have the post up to break up the Monday morning monotony for you, life of course can spoil the best laid plans.

Upside down mango and coconut cake.

For the last six weeks I have had the please of having my Nan visiting and staying with us. She lives 1000km away so when she visits (generally for 4 - 6 weeks twice a year) other things can get put on hold while I enjoy some time with her. I started this challenge while she was here and she has been awfully encouraging, as she is with everything her grandchildren strive to do. But as I said this week life got in the way of a perfectly timed blog post (haha).

Success on the Pandora front
with a new little doggy charm
for my birthday present to myself.
February is a month of birthdays in my family. I particularly like to refer to the first week of February as birthday week. My birthday (26 this year for those playing at home) falls on the 2nd, I'm closely followed by my cousin (the big 21 this year!!) on the 3rd and then Nan (it's impolite to ask a lady over the age of 21 how old she is so I won't tell you, but I will say we are getting ready to celebrate a milestone birthday next year!) on the 4th. Nan and I don't get to celebrate our birthdays together very often, so when we do it still feels like a big treat to me! 

I am trying to encourage myself to do this
properly by setting up a study space
As I said this year held a milestone birthday with my cousin's 21st. Well this meant a trip to Sydney on Friday night (roughly a 5 hour trip) to get Nan almost halfway home and celebrate the birthday. I love visiting the family in Sydney, sadly we don't see each other nearly enough and it always seems to be short visits. But it was a great weekend none the less, with a family lunch on Saturday for the birthday boy, a spot of shopping in the afternoon (I was desperate to hit a Pandora store as we only have a small selection locally), a BBQ Saturday night and then the drive home on Sunday. Which left little time for cooking and blogging, as you can imagine.

Just to add something else into the works, I started studying today. After a year of casual work and career apathy I decided to try something new. I'm feeling enthused to be studying again, it is something I really enjoy. I do however love a good study break! Which is where this weeks Feast comes in.

We have a mango tree in our yard, which this year has produced the biggest crop we have had since moving here. Unfortunately we hadn't had the chance to eat them and noticed today that they were nearing the end of their fresh life span. Enter the Upside Down Mango Coconut Cakes from SBS Food . I love the idea of upside down cakes but have never actually cooked one. This was a great recipe to use up our aging mangoes and a few other pantry staples.

I have to admit that I am not a pro mango slicer, in fact I'm pretty terrible but I managed to extract a decent amount of fruit with no injury to myself. I made a few substitutions to save myself a trip to the supermarket and use up some left overs. I had run out of self-raising flour last week half way through a mammoth cupcake baking endeavor and have so far forgotten to replace it so I used white plain flour and wholemeal self raising flour. I don't think this made a great deal of difference. I also used coconut cream instead of milk, as I had some sitting in the fridge. I counter balance this I added a few tablespoons of normal milk to add a bit more moisture. 

The cake did take longer to cook than stated in the recipe. When I tested the cake, at the 35 minute mark, the skewer came out clean however I felt that it did not look quite right and still had a wobble to it. I put it back in for another 10 minutes and am so glad I trusted my instincts. It came out golden, moist and delicious. I am sure it would have been gooey without that extra time. 

I was terrified to turn it out. What if I dropped it? What if it didn't work? What if it tasted horrible? What if? What if? What if?! But it came out beautifully! Served with a scoop of icecream it was scrumptious. I think this recipe may have given me a love of upside down cakes, so watch out for some more of those during the year!  

In case you missed the link you can find it HERE. If you try it out please let me know what you think.

Well thanks for stopping by and I'll see you again next Monday (hopefully!).

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