Wednesday 28 October 2015


This week at The Weekly Feast HQ we are babysitting my littlest niece and nephew for a couple of days. Tuesday was a rainy and miserable day (so please excuse the terrible quality of this week's photos!) and Mr 4 was desperate to get outside and play. His attention span was wavering, being stuck inside. Lego had lost its excitement, we had already watched a movie, and he was just getting plain restless. So while Miss 17mths was having her nap I decided it was the perfect time to do some baking with Mr 4.

Scrolls are a perfect recipe to bake with kids who have a short attention span. They are super easy and are made up of several quick steps with breaks in between. They are also super versatile and make a great lunch box item for school or work and freeze really well. Today we chose to make 'pizza' scrolls using things we had in the fridge.

Mr 4 was quite excited to measure out the ingredients and feel the dough once it was mixed, but I think he was sceptical when I told him we were going to leave the dough to rest and that it was going to get bigger. So when I brought the dough out half an hour later he was quite impressed to see how big it was! He was very excited about the whole baking experience, until the scrolls came out of the over when, in true 4 year old style, he decided he didn't even want to try them. Oh well, more for the rest of us I say!

This week's tips and hints:
* As I said these are great for using whatever you have in the fridge. Today we used ham, cheese and tomato sauce but the possible fillings are as limitless as your imagination.
* I used my Thermo-style mixer, Dorris, to mix the dough which made the whole experience even easier, but you can easily make the dough by hand.
* I find it's a good idea to lightly oil the bowl you plan to prove your dough in the help stop it from sticking.

Enjoy! Xxx


Serves: 10 -12
Prep time: 50 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes


310g (1 1/3 cups) warm water
1 sachet of dried yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
510g (3 1/2 cups) plain flour
30g (3 tbls) extra virgin olive oil

desired fillings, eg ham, cheese, tomato sauce


Thermo-style mixer Dough Method
Add water, yeast, salt, sugar, oil and flour to bowl.
Mix on speed 6 for 12 seconds.
Mix on knead for 1.5 minutes.
Place dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and place in a warm spot. Allow to prove for 30 minutes.

Normal Dough Method
Place water, yeast, salt, sugar, oil and flour in a bowl.
Mix with a spoon until just combined.
Use your hands to form a ball and knead for 10 minutes.
Place dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and place in a warm spot. Allow to prove for 30 minutes.

While the dough is proving, prepare your filling.

Once dough has finished proving, turn out onto bench and punch down.
Form a ball again and then roll dough out to form a large rectangle (it doesn't matter if it's a bit wonky).
Evenly cover the dough with your desired fillings.
Starting from one side, roll up your dough until you reach the end and it forms a roll.
Using a knife (a bread knife will do) cut your roll into even sections and place on a baking paper lined tray.
Place the scrolls in a warm spot and allow to prove for another 15 - 20 minutes.

Once the scrolls have proved, place the tray in a cold oven.
Set oven to 180°c - 190°c and cook for 15 - 20 minutes until scrolls are golden.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.

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